WP Mail Logger Pro
An easy way to have control over your mails!
Easily install the plugin, adjust some settings if you want or even setup a SMTP connection and take control of all mails inside your WordPress website.
Every mail sent within your WordPress website will be logged. You can change if you want to block the mail from sending and send it manually later!
Sometimes wondering why you mails don't work? You can debug every mail that gets sent and look what has gone wrong.
This feature is perfect for your personal or business website. Wether it’s a personal portfolio or a WooCommerce website, this plugin will give you an overview of all the mails sent within your WordPress website.
Forgot something to add to your mails? Wondering if the mail was received? Within this plugin you can see the details of every mail sent or blocked.
We all have it sometimes. A mail that just doesn’t go through or goes wrong within your website. With this plugin you can find out what is wrong with sending your mails. Every mail that gets logged, edited, deleted, sent will create a new event that gets saved.
This plugin has so much more to offer and we will work towards more features and a better experience!
An easy way to have control over your mails!
Van Nellefabriek, Van Nelleweg 1
3044 BC Rotterdam
+31 (0)10 760 9017